3/20/2023 7 Comments A Spring Bucket ListHappy spring dears!! It’s one of my favorite times of the year, when the trees start budding and the world turns various shades of green. When flowers start blooming and the air begins to warm up. Unfortunately, these moments can fly by us much too quickly, so I have put together a list, or more precisely, a bucket list of 20 simple and fun things to make the most out of this beautiful season! photo credit - Jacalyn Beales on Unsplash 1. Make a vintagey spring playlist I don’t know why, but for me, spring sounds like old vintage sounds and pretty classical music. Of course, you can make your playlist with whatever music you love. Some music I will have on mine, The Crosby- Clooney Radio Sessions, the original Mary Poppins Soundtrack (as well as some select favorites from the 2018 sequel movie), the 2005 Pride and Prejudice soundtrack as well as other classical music. 2. Buy something new to wear this spring Sometimes simply dressing a little differently, or refreshing your wardrobe for the season can get you excited. I will definitely be wearing florals and pastel colors this spring! I love buying a new dress or skirt to wear in the spring and summer. (Bonus: don’t have the money to buy some new clothes this year? Simply sticking some flowers in your hair, real or fake, can be a great way to add some spring to your wardrobe!) 3. Freshen up your space Our spaces can really affect how we feel. Cleaning out a little, putting some fresh flowers around your room, and opening up some windows can easily lighten up your space for spring. No need to do extensive spring cleaning! Check out my friend Pearl’s blog post about that here. 4. Take a little picnic to a special spot A little corner in your yard, a spot in the woods, a comfy chair in your bedroom. Wherever you have a place to yourself, take a moment to slow down with a snack and some solitude. There is nothing quite like a picnic. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy take a few cookies and some berries to that special place and enjoy God’s beautiful creation from wherever you are. 5. Take a slow walk taking everything in So often I find myself walking and looking at the ground. This spring take an intentional slow walk. Lift your face to the sky and let the sun bathe your face and lift your mood. Smell all the flowers, watch the birds, skip around, and dance. Enjoy the life God have given to you! 6. Go someplace where wildflowers grow This one is pretty self explanatory. Find a field on the side of the road or at a farm or anywhere really and just enjoy the wildflowers, I don’t know about you, but I find wildflowers to be so much more beautiful than the ones we intentionally prune and plant. That being said… 7. Plant some wildflowers When I was young I had a small garden but I was tired of planting vegetables in it, so I sprinkled some wildflower seeds over the dirt and let them go crazy. It was beautiful! I would love to do it again this year so that I can make little bouquets for people! 8. Press flowers This one is so simple but so nice to do, and it only takes a minute! Gather a few flowers and put them in between the pages of your journal or a book you are reading so that you can remember the beauty that sprung up this year! 9. Read some springy classics Some books just remind me of spring! Here are a few I will be revisiting this spring: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, A Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Heidi by Johanna Spyri, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. 10. Have a spring-inspired tea party Tea parties are one of my favorite things in the world. This spring I would love to have a flower inspired tea party with berry scones, shortbread cookies, lots of adorable finger sandwiches, tartlets, and of course pots and pots of earl grey tea in pretty china tea cups! You can invite your friends and family or just do it by yourself. photo credit - Janine Joles on Unsplash 11. Watch The Anne Of Green Gables Movie One of the most magical movies ever is the 1985 Sullivan Pictures film adaptation of Anne of Green Gables starring Megan Follows. This movie just makes me so happy (and has some amazing and iconic scenes!) 12. Experiment with some spring baking I love trying new recipes, and spring lends itself so beautifully to creative, fruity, and whimsical baked goods. 13. Wake up and watch the sunrise outside Yes, roll out of bed before the sun is up, fumble around to make a cup of tea (or coffee if you must), and step outside to see the sun come over the horizon. Listen in silence and to the birds as they awaken and realize how lucky you are to be able to see God’s artwork dance across the sky. 14. Fly a kite I don’t know why, but something about flying a kite seems like the perfect thing to do ins spring. Buy (or make) yourself a kite and revel in the nostalgia of remembering Mary Poppins and Peanuts Comics as you try not to get your string tangled in a tree. 15. Go on a photo scavenger hunt Look around and take everything, then take pictures! You can bring a polaroid camera or just your phone and have fun taking pictures of all the aesthetic things nature has to offer! 16. Write a spring poem I once read somewhere that spring calls even the least poetic to write an ode to the season. Take a moment to use your words to describe the way things are around you and write a poem. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even shareable! But if you do want to share it, I would love for you to share it with me or put it in the comments of this post! 17. Unplug for a day Put away your phone and computer for an ENTIRE day. It’s okay, your notifications will wait for you. Put them in a drawer and find the joy in being away from your technology. Read a book, and do some of the amazing things on this list, also take the time to invest in valuable relationships without a phone covering your face. 18. Take a picnic to a castle or mansion Yes, this is the second picnic on this list, but wouldn’t it be so much fun to put on a pretty dress and take a picnic to the grounds of a historic home or castle?? 19. Have a Disney Movie Binge Afternoon Not all of spring is sunny days and flowers, there are, of course, April showers. So on one of those rainy afternoons, why not make a hot drink and some popcorn and binge all your favorite Disney movies? They can be whichever ones you love and the ones that remind you of spring. Some recommendations are Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Tangled, Princess Diaries, Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins Returns, Cinderella (2015), and Peter Pan, but of course, watch the ones that make you feel nostalgic and happy! 20. Go outside when it’s raining and dance in the rain When it’s warm enough to go without a coat and it’s raining, I love to take walks and run around in the rain. Don’t bother changing your clothes, just go out as you are, jump in puddles, sing songs, dance around, and fully enjoy the beautiful moment. If you’re lucky you may see a rainbow! Well, that’s my spring bucket list! What things are you looking forward to doing this spring? Are there any things on your bucket list for spring that I haven’t listed? Please share them in the comments! Belle ThomasBelle is the writer behind An Old Fashioned Girl. She is passionate about Jesus, good books, and living a beautiful life.
reece <3
3/21/2023 01:53:05 pm
ahhh, lovely lovely!! *huggles*
3/21/2023 04:25:05 pm
This is delightful! I love spring and I can't wait to do these :)
3/23/2023 10:50:36 am
I'll join you for a picnic! Not at sunrise, tho. :) I love this post.
3/23/2023 04:25:11 pm
Reece: thank you!
3/30/2023 03:20:10 pm
I love this! I really need to update my Spring closet, XD. Any other spring song ideas?
3/30/2023 08:39:37 pm
Thank you Haniah!
4/5/2023 09:37:19 am
You reminded me how much I loved the book Heidi when I was a teenager!
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