We live in a hectic world. A world that is always going, always moving, always telling us that we ought to be doing something productive. Because of this we get stressed out and run down. We pile things onto ourselves and try to always be doing. But we aren't made to always do. We were made to work and then rest. Of course, we have to work, we have to go to school, we have to support ourselves and our families. There are some things in life that are non-negotiable. But I believe we can find joy and moments of rest every day in the middle of the craziness. Little things are the things that bring beauty into the mundane. Let's face it, there won't always be something big and exciting going on. We spend most of our lives in the in-between time. The time spent getting from one big thing to the next. What if instead of viewing these lengths of time as tedious treks we view them as meandering walks. When the path gets rocky, it's an adventure not a challenge that must be overcome. Today I'm going to talk about a few little things you can do to make each and every day a little more enjoyable. Before I start, I just want to say that I am not an expert at changing my focus. In fact negativity is something I struggle with. But I write this as a way to share what I am learning and to encourage myself as well as you. Things will be hard and life won't always be the perfect picture we paint, but I do believe we can control our attitudes and reactions, and we can curate little moments of beauty into each and every day. We can do this friend! Let's get started! 1. Wake Up With Expectation You know the feeling, you wake up groggy eyed and not really feeling like jumping into the day. It can be so easy to roll over and go back to sleep, or slink out of bed on the wrong side. One thing I have been doing that makes a drastic change in how I feel when I get up is very simple. I start the day by saying "Good morning God. I thank you that today is going to be an amazing day" (or something along those lines.) The things we say to ourselves makes a difference, so being positive right off will impact you day. Believing that God is in control also sets you up for success, and showing gratitude is scientifically proven to decrease stress and anxiety. 2. Spend Time In Nature There is something about being in nature that is refreshing. When I am outside I marvel at the wonders of God's creation. Plus fresh air, sunlight, and exercise never hurt. I'm not saying you need to go on a long camping trip or spend all of your time outside, I'm suggesting spending just a few moments each day outside. I love taking a short ten minute walk in the morning before work, or I love to take my reading, writing, or even schoolwork outside. 3. Talk To God Throughout Your Day Imagine if we took just thirty seconds every hour to remember that God is with us, thank him for anything good that had happened so far, and to ask him to guide us in the next hour. Don't you think that would change a lot? So why don't we do that, whenever we get a second, ask God to show us how we can love the people around us, ask him to help us in our next task and so on and so forth. He wants to help us and be near us, so let's invite him in! 4. Delight in Small and Silly Things Do you love that house? Is there something that always excites you when you see it in a store (notebooks, candles, mugs....)? What are those little material things that appeal to you? Take a moment to delight in those things. Get way too excited about it, take two minutes to stare at that beautiful architecture or to watch that butterfly flit around the flowers. Take a second to just soak in the sights and sounds of a busy library, or spend ten minutes to unashamedly explore the Christmas section at a store. Take a moment to make those dumb things front and center, squeal over them, thank God for them, take pictures of them, stare at them. Even if it's only for a second, enjoy those things. 5. Unwind With Music What music makes you really happy? Play those songs as a soundtrack to your chores or getting dressed. Spend a few minutes flat on your back listening to sounds that feel like a part of yourself. We all have certain songs that evoke certain emotions within us, so find the ones that make you happy, and peaceful and play them loud through the tinny speaker of your phone, the clear sound of your Bluetooth speaker, or the scratchy sound of your record player. 6. Do Something For Someone Else In my blog's namesake book - An Old Fashioned Girl the main character Polly talks about how her Mother always told her that when she feels bad and off, to do something kind for someone else. Making someone smile is one of the most filling things you can do. And honestly, making someone's day can make your day too. Turn the attention away from yourself and your problems and bring your attention to how you can brighten someone else's day. Send them a text, compliment someone, buy someone a gift for no reason, help someone complete a task, show a genuine interest in someone, pray with them, bake for them, send them a meme that made you think of them, the list goes on and on. 7. Eat Something Delicious For me, food is one of the most important parts of life next to faith, family, and friendship. A bad day can be made better with a good meal or a snack. And a great day can become even greater with the addition of some good food. Food is such a small and simple necessity, yet it is so complex and can be so beautiful. Food evokes emotions, brings back memories and can bring so much comfort. So as often as you can, take a moment to enjoy your food, three times or four times or maybe even five times a day. Don't take it as mere sustenance, take it as a gift and an adventure. And if you're up for it, cook and bake. When all else fails, eat a croissant. 8. Read When life is boring I firmly believe that reading can spice it up. Books are my favorite form of media because they can be enjoyed anywhere and everywhere - in bed, outside, in the car, on a plane, sitting down for an hour, or just when you have a passing moment, on lunch break, or all afternoon. Besides, reading is good for you, and it's enjoyable. Currently I've been craving cozy books. Books that aren't too intense, books that have lost of atmosphere (nature, food, smells, overall great descriptions), and emotion. Two I have just read that I would recommend are - The Vanderbeekers (above) and Littler Women - by Laura Shaufer. 9. Afternoon Tea, or Coffee, or Soda, or Sparkling Water.... In the middle of the day, when my energy is sagging, I like to have a fun drink. Pretty much any kind of drink that isn't plain water. I love to have my drink as I sit outside, write or read. Take the time to really taste your drink and enjoy it. It's more than just getting caffeine, sugar, or hydration into your body, it's taking a moment to slow down. 10. Spend Time With Someone You Love The epitome of slowing down is taking time to do something with someone you love. We are hard wired for relationship, and it can be easy to not notice the people who are around us every day. You don't have to plan a huge adventure (though that's awesome if you do). Just take some time to give quality time to a friend or family member. Some things I love to do are take walks with my siblings or parents, talk about historical fiction with my sister, or Harry Potter with my brother. Play board games, go out for boba or coffee, or simply talk with someone and ask really good questions focusing more on the other person than yourself. So friends, I hope this list gave you some ideas of how you can make even the most mundane beautiful. Remember that today is the only today that you will ever have, and God created today as a gift for you. Enjoy it, praise God for it. Thank you for reading! I'll see you next week with a fun foodie post and an announcement!! Belle ThomasBelle is the writer behind An Old Fashioned Girl. She is passionate about Jesus, classic literature, and living a beautiful life.
8/10/2023 12:39:06 pm
Aw thank you Laura! It means a lot that you enjoyed the post and got something out of it.
8/10/2023 09:43:50 am
This is so beautiful Thank you so much for this post!
8/10/2023 12:39:40 pm
Aw thank you! You're welcome Rebekah.
Elle West
8/10/2023 10:07:16 am
Lol the one girl on the cover of the little women soundtrack/movie looks like Emma Watson...pls tell me I'm not the only one, right?
8/10/2023 12:40:10 pm
Um... well... she is Emma Watson.
8/10/2023 12:45:25 pm
It is Emma Watson :)
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