12/6/2023 9 Comments Perfection at ChristmasFor many people, this time of year comes with a lot of stress. There are events every weekend, presents to buy and wrap, food to make, and parties to plan. It can be easy to find yourself striving for perfection in all of this. And there is the other side of holiday perfectionism, sometimes it just doesn’t feel like how you think Christmas should feel. It isn’t right, something about this year, or something about you feels off. Do either of these scenarios sound like you? I know they sound like me. This time of year, more than any other time, people are striving for perfection, looking to fill everyone's demanding expectations, including their own. But we’re completely missing the point. The whole point of Christmas is that we aren’t perfect, and never can be perfect. We all know what Christmas is about - everywhere in the Christian sphere you see people proclaiming that “Jesus is the reason for the season,” As cliche as this phrase may be, it is true, and it’s exactly the reason why it’s okay to not have a perfect Christmas. You see, God sent his son Jesus to a broken world. He knew that there was no way we could ever be right with him. We could never do enough, or be perfect enough to have a true relationship with God. So he sent his son, a bridge between the imperfection of man and the perfection of God. If we were perfect there would be no Christmas. If we were perfect, if we had it all together, if we pleased God, there would be no need for him to send us a messiah. Jesus came to Earth as perfection, and he gave up his perfection, his perfect, sinless self so that our imperfections could be mended. He loved us, while we were still sinners, while we were imperfect, and while we were still in that state, he died for us (Romans 5:8). photo credit: Alin Andersen on Unsplash At Christmas, we celebrate how God loves us even though we aren’t perfect. We celebrate how he sent his son to earth, a sinless baby, born in a miraculous way. Perfection. We celebrate Christmas because we don’t have to be perfect. We don’t have to be perfect because God’s endless grace and mercy cover us (Ephesians 2:9). His salvation cleanses us, so we don’t have to strive for perfection. Of course, I am talking not just about holiday preparations and celebrations, but of our sinful nature. We are imperfect, and God knows that, instead of striving to impress others this time of year, let’s lift our voices in perfect broken praise to God, the one who gave us Jesus; the reason we have Christmas at all. Let’s not seek perfection in an earthly way, but instead pursue a sinless life like Jesus lived (Matthew 5:48). In celebrating Christmas we aren’t preparing for a party, but preparing for the coming of our king. He wants to see our devoted hearts more than a perfectly decorated house. He wants our best, not our ideas of what our best should look like. The shepherds likely came to the birth of Jesus dirty, with sheep trailing behind them, they probably didn’t have fancy clothing or gifts. Mary and Joseph probably felt guilty placing the son of God in a feeding trough, it wasn’t anywhere near perfect. But out of chaos, out of imperfection, comes perfection. Our weaknesses are where God’s power shows up (2 Corinthians 12:9). photo credit: andreas kretschmer on Unsplash And to those of you who maybe don’t feel like it’s Christmas, or feel that Christmas isn’t the same this year, remember that Christmas isn't about a feeling, it’s about freedom and redemption. Instead of feeling upset that it isn't meeting your expectations, praise God for his miraculous gift. I know it can be hard, seeing other people’s seemingly perfect Christmases and reflecting back on your own better ones, but there is beauty in this place too. Even when our feelings don’t align, God’s endless love still expounds. Christmas isn't a time for perfection, it’s a time for Christ. So shed your expectations this year, the ideals you have for yourself and for others. Have a perfect Christmas by not trying to be perfect. Belle ThomasBelle is the writer behind An Old Fashioned Girl. She is passionate about Jesus, good books, and living a beautiful life.
12/6/2023 04:33:41 pm
“Have a perfect Christmas by not trying to be perfect!”
Karen Hale
12/6/2023 07:16:00 pm
Love! Thank you for us permission not to look for perfection!
12/28/2023 04:27:36 pm
Aw you're welcome!
12/28/2023 04:27:19 pm
Thank you!
Grandpa John
12/7/2023 08:00:55 am
12/28/2023 04:27:53 pm
Thank you Grandpa!
12/10/2023 04:44:58 pm
Didint even read it but i know it’s fire
12/10/2023 09:24:30 pm
I needed to hear this. ❤️❤️
12/28/2023 04:28:06 pm
aww <3
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