I first visited Nantucket Island when I was seven or eight years old. From the very first time I laid eyes on the island, I fell in love. The island is forgotten by the modernization of the rest of the world, where every house is shingled with weathered wood and the driveways are paved with seashells. Where the literary classic Moby-Dick is praised and seafood is eaten in abundance. Where lighthouses are a part of the everyday landscape and baskets are a thing of local pride. Although in the sense of time, I haven’t been there very much, just a few days in the off-season every year or so. But to me, it feels like I have spent a lifetime on that tiny island. So much so that going back year after year, feels a bit like going home. There is so much about that 14-mile strip of land off the Atlantic that I love. The sense of being completely alone on the beach, the downtown that seems as if it hasn’t changed since the 1800s, the elevated food culture, the history, and the natural landscape. The acres of land called the Serengeti because of its resemblance to the African plain, the deserted cranberry bogs, and the stretches of driveable sand along the cove. Like all things I love, Nantucket has inspired many of my creative pursuits. When I was on my painting kick I painted a picture I named “Nantucket at Night.” It has also inspired many of my literary pursuits, including poetry, a flash fiction piece, and a yet-to-be-written historical novel. I firmly believe in the value of place in conjunction with our art, (for me specifically, writing) so I want to share some of my experiences with this Island (called the Gray Lady because of the oft-gray skies) through pieces of my writing, primarily poetry and journal entries. (note the journal entries have been slightly changed from the originals.) Rhythm Pulsating rhythm, Endless sky, and endless sea Gently, steadily. October 25, 2020 Today we drove on the beach. It has been really cold here so far. The wind was blowing real hard and my eyes were tearing up. We had a picnic… and guess what… we saw whales! Right in front of us. We watched them for a good long time. The Nantucket Ocean Crashing waves Tall as a man, Break softly on beds of coarse sand. Frothy foam, beyond the horizon. Gulls and splashes, a seaside siren. A Lighthouse stands - bold and erect - Calling home ships before wreck. Majestic and horrifying, The sea brings life. Life, and dying. On the steep sand dunes- Grasses blown in time, To the constant in, and out, and in of the tide. When dark comes The Lighthouse shines bright, Millions of stars can be seen on a clear night. The crash, and the pull- The sharp wind and the nagging lull. But, Tonight, All I see are stars, And my heart is full. November 10, 2021 The beach was so cold and windy, yet beautiful. The stars in the sky never cease to amaze me. They are so beautiful. Most of the time I hate the beach, but there is something about the Nantucket beach that I love. It’s so peaceful, I guess I feel closer to God here. Today I learned about beauty. True beauty. The beauty in who we are as humans, the beauty in God’s creation. November 11, 2021 We went to the beach in the morning. The wind down there was absolutely insane. I literally felt as if I would blow away, I could hardly see the ocean because my hair was blowing into my face. It wasn’t very cold, but the wind sure did whip. The sand bit against my ankles and face and my skin felt salty. Then we went to the whaling museum. We went there the first time we came to ACK. The museum’s pride and joy is their Nantucket history, they highlight any bit of history that has to do with a Nantucketer. Especially the Essex tragedy which inspired the novel, Moby-Dick. The Essex tragedy happened on a whaling ship, a whale impacted the ship and the men had to go in lifeboats. In the end, they resorted to cannibalism. Later at home, the power went out. Turns out this whole part of the island was out. As we were talking and sitting in the dark we got tornado warnings. Eventually, the power turned back on and we played a card game for most of the evening. November 12, 2021 My sister and I walked down to the beach. The waves were quite large and rolling. The thing I love about Nantucket waves is how some waves break far out, not just on the shore. It’s quite beautiful. My family and I went down to the beach to see the sunset. It was absolutely incredible. Dark blue clouds littering the horizon, pink streaks mixed with yellow sun. The waves gigantic and crashing so high they crashed over the tide wall of sand. The clouds danced with lightning for a fantastic display. November 13, 2021 This was our last day on Nantucket. We left our house and drove to another lighthouse - Sankaty, this lighthouse was moved because of erosion. Unlike Great Point, it has a large stripe of red. Then, sadly, we had to go home. The ferry ride always seems longer when riding back to the mainland, although I’m sure for an Island resident it’s exciting. My Island When my feet hit the Ground, I breathe in The salty air. My heart pounds out A tune. I’m home, I whisper under my Breath. Sometimes it feels Like I never Left. It doesn’t belong to Anyone but the sea. Yet, Somehow it seems it belongs To me. October 29, 2022 Today was an Island day. We left the house at around 10 to head to Hyannis Port to take the ferry to Nantucket. I’ll spare you the dull details. On the ferry boat we of course had to explore. We found that there were certain wind currents that could almost make us fly. So we jumped in them and ran in them, then the captain felt obligated to make an announcement about no running. Whoops. But when we got here, ah - It feels like home to me. This Island is so very special to me. We headed down to the beach to see the stars. Oh love! The stars! Words can never do that dazzling Milky Way, the millions of stars, constellations, and three planets justice. So I don’t try. I just hold onto those beautiful moments in my mind. October 30, 2022 I spent the morning in the most perfect way - I took a long walk to the beach, cup of tea in hand. We visited Brant Point Lighthouse today. We walked that quiet shore and collected tons of scallop shells. Then we decided it would be a good idea to get ice cream for lunch. The first place we went to was closed, not unusual for this time of year. But we did find a place though it was expensive. We took a hike at an old abandoned cranberry bog. We spent a great deal of time trying to figure out if the red berries we kept seeing were cranberries or not. We also got lost. We had a relatively early dinner then went down to the beach for my favorite pastime - stargazing. We could see all the same ones as last night, only the positions slightly shifted. October 31, 2022 Last day in Nantucket. I always dread going home day. I wish I could spend a greater chunk of time on this lovely island. Dad and I took a little walk around the Cisco shore area. We came back, had lunch, then headed downtown. We popped into a bookshop. I bought a copy of Moby-Dick. If you’re going to buy a book in Nantucket that might as well be the one. November 1, 2022 It’s always sad for me to leave Nantucket, of the Gray Lady as it is often called. This morning was drizzly, but I forced myself up anyway and took a final walk down to the beach. We had to leave too soon. We did drive down to one of the Island’s peninsulas to visit a very important house. It’s called “The Crooked House” and, well, it’s Mr. Roger’s house. My Island, Part 2 I’m missing my Island. My home away From home. I miss the smell Of salty sea And ferry boat exhaust. I miss the sound Of crunching leaves On cobblestone streets. I miss the waves That roll all night Under a blanket of Milky white stars. I miss the small Twin-sized bed And the duck-themed Paper on the walls. I miss picnicking On a lonesome beach Watching for spouts of whale. I miss the bookshops And cafes And sand in my hair. The Gray Lady Calls me home, Back to morning walks on the shore, To lighthouses for Warning of shoals. To sea shells crunching on the road. I miss the colors of autumn Mixed with sand dunes And the sea. And the jubilant laughter Of my family. I’m being pulled back Day by day To my island home off the coast Where seagulls nest And ships go to wreck And the sky is filled with stars. This year I am finding myself missing the Island greatly. It’s become a intrinsic part of every year, and it’s strange to not step foot on the island this autumn. It’s more than just a place, it’s the home to many memories. Every year I go I am surrounded by close and extended family. We have had so many adventures there together, driving out on the beaches, exploring shops, and just spending quality time together at the house we stay at when we are on the island. Most people who visit Nantucket summer there, but I believe it is even nicer to autumn there. Do you have a place that feels like home? Would you like to see more travel related blog posts? Belle ThomasBelle is the writer behind An Old Fashioned Girl. She is passionate about Jesus, good books, and living a beautiful life.
Rebekah Brown
10/24/2023 02:52:27 pm
All of the photos are s beautiful!
10/30/2023 12:25:14 pm
Thank you Rebekah!
10/24/2023 04:35:31 pm
This is such a beautiful post! I love all the poetry! This made me feel as if I had gone there myself, and I find myself missing a place I’ve never been.
10/30/2023 12:25:43 pm
Aw thank you so much Haniah!
10/30/2023 12:25:57 pm
Thank you Leah!
10/24/2023 06:14:08 pm
I love the poetry. It makes me wish I was there again.
10/30/2023 12:26:20 pm
Thank you! I wish I was there too ):
10/24/2023 07:34:54 pm
I LOVE your poetry!!! I can feel your love for the island! I hope to visit some day!
10/30/2023 12:26:45 pm
Thank you so much! I hope you can visit it too
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