I am so excited to share this lovely post by my friend E.G. Runyan, she is a blogger and writer, her passion for her craft and faith are contagious! I would love it if you would check out her blog and subscribe! Let's show her so much love! Now without further ado, I present Why Silence is Some of The Best Inspiration The world is busy. The highways are never void of speeding cars. Social media is never without thousands scrolling it. The news stations keep us anxious and stressed with their twenty-four hour news cycles. We’re all trying to keep up with a million commitments, whether that’s time with our families, school work, or sports practices. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life. But what if some of the most productive parts of our lives were spent taking time to sit in the silence? What if the most spiritual growth we experienced was when we sat in our rooms with our Bibles on our laps, thinking through the passage we just read? What if the most story ideas we got were while swinging alone on the swing in the backyard? When I get inspired, I begin to pace. I walk through the living room, through the kitchen, into the dining room, and into the living room again. Those are some of the times when I get the most ideas. When I really start to believe a truth God has been telling me all along. When a sudden puzzle piece clicks together, and I finally know exactly how to write my next story. Silence can be some of the best inspiration. Not scrolling pinterest for picture prompts, or listening to music, or reading, though those are also some of the biggest places for inspiration. Sometimes all you need to do is sit, and let yourself think something through. God tells us “peace, be still”. It can feel awkward at first to sit without your phone in your hand or a face in front of you to talk to. But nevertheless, it’s good for you to do it. Giving yourself time to wind down and just think can be the most productive part of your day. It can be the most healthy part of your day, too. Oftentimes when we are doing good things like writing a story with good messages, if we haven’t first given ourselves time to listen to God, then our stories won’t become the thing they might have become; the thing God wanted to make them. Let God speak to you in the quiet. Take that time to pray about that family struggle or that hardship. Take that time to ask him what he wants your writing project to be. Think through that problem that’s been bothering you, asking him for wisdom. E.G. RunyanE. G. Runyan has been writing stories almost as long as she can remember, and her greatest aspiration is to one day write a story that will be impactful on other’s lives. You can find her on her blog at https://emmathebard.wixsite.com/egrunyan where she posts twice a week on creativity through Christianity.
5/2/2023 03:55:03 pm
This post really encouraged me because I struggle with quiet time. I am a person who needs to be busy at all times!
E. G. Runyan
5/2/2023 05:10:48 pm
It's a reminder I personally need as well, Donna!
E. G Runyan
5/2/2023 05:10:19 pm
Thank you so much, Belle! You are such a good friend!
5/3/2023 11:58:51 am
Aw you're so very welcome! I had so much fun doing this with you and am so happy we are friends! <3
5/4/2023 02:41:09 pm
Thank you for the reminder to slow down!
E. G. Runyan
5/5/2023 12:30:45 pm
Of course, Carey!
Rebekah B.
5/5/2023 09:59:35 am
Thank you so much!! I needed this!
E. G. Runyan
5/5/2023 12:31:12 pm
I'm so glad it was helpful, Rebekah!
E. G. Runyan
5/11/2023 05:36:31 pm
Of course, Laura! I'm so glad that it was helpful to you.
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